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xref@   statement

xref@ arrayName( maxSub1 [ , maxSub2 ... ] ) [ as dataType ]

xref@ is identical to the xref statement, except that the link variable is interpreted as a handle, rather than as a pointer. You should use xref@ when you want the contents of a relocatable block to be treated as an array.

The following declares an array called inclination, allocates a new block with enough room for numElements elements, and associates the inclination array with the contents of the block.

long numElements : numElements = 5 // 5 is arbitrary
xref@ inclination(1)
inclination = fn NewHandle( numElements * sizeof( long ) )

Note that, because the value of maxSub1 is ignored in the xref@ statement, we can arbitrarily set it to 1. However, when we actually reference the elements of the inclination array, we can specify any subscript value in the range 0 through numElements - 1.

See also
dim; xref