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width   statement

width [ = ] { _noTextWrap | _textWrap | numChars }

This statement affects how (and whether) text printed by subsequent print statement will "wrap". width applies to all existing and subsequently-created windows.
while "wrapping" is enabled, any subsequently printed text whose location exceeds a certain limit on the current line will automatically "wrap around" and continue at the beginning of the next line. Wrapping does not necessarily occur on word boundaries.

If you specify _noTextWrap, wrapping is disabled. Text continues on the current line until the pen is explicitly moved to the next line (this usually happens automatically after the last item in the print statement has been printed). Note that if the window or the printer page is not wide enough to display all of the items in the print list, some of the items will be lost. The advantage of using _noTextWrap is that it greatly increases printing speed.

If you specify _textWrap, wrapping occurs at the right edge of the window or the printer page. This is the default condition in effect before the first execution of width.

If you specify numChars (which must be a number in the range 1 through 255), wrapping occurs either at the right edge of the window (or the printer page), or after numCharscharacters have been printed on the current line, whichever occurs first. Note that if you're using a proportional font, the horizontal pixel location where wrapping occurs may be different on different lines.

See also