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oval   statement

oval [ fill ] rect [ , fillColor ]

macOS 10.11+

Draws an oval in the specified rectangle. The oval's frame is drawn using the line style for the current output window.

An oval statement with no parameters resets line styles and fill color to their default values. It also resets a rect's corner radius to its default value.

fill When this optional keyword is used, the oval is filled with the fill color specified in the fillColor parameter, or the current fill color for the output window.
rect The enclosing rectangle. This can be specified in either of two ways:
(i) (x,y,w,h) where x,y are the origin and w,h the size.
(ii) A CGRect value.
fillColor Optional. If the fill keyword is used, the oval is filled with the specified color. This parameter can be either a ColorRef or one of FB's built-in constants, e.g.

See the CocoaUI.incl header for a complete list.
- no parameters - Reset all graphics attributes to their default values.
See also
cls; line; pen; rect