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mda   statement / function

Statement syntax
mda [tag] ( dim1 [, dim2 [, ... ] ] ) = { object | intValue | dblValue }

Function syntax
{ object | intValue | dblValue } = mda [tag] ( dim1 [, dim2 [, ... ] ] )

Note: the tag parameter identifies which array to use. If it is omitted, array 0 is used.

Although mda is an acronym for "multi-dimensional array", mda arrays can also be single-dimensional.

The mda statement assigns a value to an element in one of FB's special mda arrays. mda arrays are mutable, single or multi-dimensional, always global in scope and are zero-based. An mda array contains CF/NS objects. However, for convenience, integer and double values can be used directly in its statements/functions and are converted to/from objects behind the scenes.

You can read the contents of an mda array element by using the mda function.

Your program can use as many mda arrays as memory allows, numbered 0 to 2,147,483,647. The tag parameter specifies which mda array to use. If you omit this parameter, mda 0 is used. The dim1, dim2, ... parameters specify which element to target in the array.

More options
Option Description
mda_add [ [tag] ( dim1 [, dim2 [, ... ] ] ) ] = { object | intValue | dblValue } Adds a value to the end of the array
Note: If the number of dims entered is equal to the array's dim count, the last dim value is ignored
mda_append [ [tag] ( dim1 [, dim2 [, ... ] ] ) ] = CFArrayRef Adds the contents of a CFArray to the end of the mda array
Note: If the number of dims entered is equal to the array's dim count, the last dim value is ignored
array = mda_array [tag] Returns the root array, as a CFMutableArrayRef, of the mda array
class = mda_class [tag] ( dim1 [, dim2 [, ... ] ] ) Returns the class of the object as a ClassRef
mda_clear [tag] Removes all elements from the array
mda_compact [tag] Removes all NULL values from the array
count = mda_count [ [tag] ( dim1 [, dim2 [, ... ] ] ) ] Returns the length of the array at the specified location.

Beware of precedence when using a single-dimensional array in an expression
In this example, we want to subtract 1 from the count of the array. However, due to precedence, 1 is subtracted from the tag value instead.

count = mda_count tag - 1

Enclosing the function and its tag value in parentheses ensures the expected value is returned.

count = (mda_count tag) - 1

string = mda_description [ [tag] [, emptyArrays [, nulls [, classes ] ] ] ] Useful for debugging. Returns a string description of the contents of the array

emptyArrays - include empty arrays in description. Default = YES
nulls - include NULL values. Default = YES
classes - show object class names. Default = NO
dblValue = mda_double [tag] ( dim1 [, dim2 [, ... ] ] ) Force mda to return a double value (see Limitations below)
mda_insert [tag] ( dim1 [, dim2 [, ... ] ] ) = { object | intValue | dblValue } Inserts a value at the specified location
intValue = mda_integer [tag] ( dim1 [, dim2 [, ... ] ] ) Force mda to return an integer value (see Limitations below)
mda_kill [tag] Deletes the entire array
object = mda_object [tag] ( dim1 [, dim2 [, ... ] ] ) Force mda to return an object value (see Limitations below)
[result = ] mda_read [tag,] url Reads an mda array from a previously saved file at the specified url. Returns YES if successful
mda_remove [tag] ( dim1 [, dim2 [, ... ] ] ) [, length ] Removes the value at the dim location
The optional length param indicates the number of values to remove from the array (default = 1)
mda_sort [tag] [, selector] Sorts the entire array in ascending order. Note: This has the effect of removing all NULL values

The optional selector parameter must be a CFString literal and can have one of the following values:
@"compare:" (default)

mda_swap [tag1] ( dim1 [, dim2 [, ... ] ] ), [tag2] ( dim1 [, dim2 [, ... ] ] ) Swaps the values at the specified arrays and locations
string = mda_text [tag] Returns the textual contents of the array
[result = ] mda_write [tag,] url Writes the mda array to a file at the specified url. Returns YES if successful


Ancillary functions
UserDefaultsGetMDA( tag ) gets a previously stored mda array with its tag value from user defaults.
UserDefaultsSetMDA( tag ) stores an mda array with its tag value in user defaults.

Aggregate initialization
Say what?... "aggregate initialization" is just a fancy name for "shortcut population". For example, the following line assigns the values 1-9 to the first nine elements of a single-dimensional array.

mda (0) = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}

This example populates a two-dimensional array. Note the nested curly braces.

mda (0,0) = {{@"a",@"b",@"c"},{@"d",@"e",@"f"},{@"g",@"h",@"i"}}
print mda_text

a	b	c
d	e	f
g	h	i

Three-dimensional array

mda 2(0,0,0) = {{{10,11},{12,13}},{{14,15},{16,17}},{{18,19},{20,21}}}
print mda_text 2

10	11	
12	13	
14	15	
16	17	
18	19	
20	21	


Some things we cannot (yet) do with mda arrays
(1) mda 1(2) = mda 1(0) + mda 1(1) // fail

Workaround - use CFNumber literal syntax '@()' around the expression
mda 1(2) = @(mda 1(0) + mda 1(1))

(2) if ( mda 1(0) == 12 ) then beep// fail

Workaround - force an integer return value by using the mda_integer keyword or switch the order of the expressions
if ( mda_integer 1(0) == 12 ) then beep
if ( 12 == mda 1(0) ) then beep

printf @"%ld", mda 1(0)// fail
printf @"%f", mda 1(0)// fail

Workaround - force an integer or double return value by using the mda_integer or mda_double keywords.
printf @"%ld", mda_integer 1(0)
printf @"%f", mda_double 1(0)

(4) long count = mda_count 3 - 1 // returns the count of array 2 (= 3 - 1)

Workaround - enclose mda_count and its tag number in parentheses.
long count = (mda_count 3) - 1