In the syntax descriptions that appear in the remainder of this manual, the following conventions apply:
- Items in italics represent placeholders which should be replaced as indicated in the description;
- Items in bold text represent literal text that you should enter exactly as shown;
- Items in plain non-italic text represent literal text that you should usually enter exactly as shown; however, the following characters should not be entered, but have special meanings explained below:
[ ] { } | ...
- Items enclosed in square brackets
[ ]
are optional;
- Items separated by vertical bars
and enclosed by curly brackets { }
represent a list from which one item should be chosen;
- Items separated by vertical bars
and enclosed by square brackets [ ]
represent a list from which one or zero items should be chosen;
- An elipsis
indicates that the preceding item may be repeated an indefinite number of times.
Example: Consider the following syntax description template:
bob [, {bill | ron [, rick]}]
This template matches each of the following:
bob, bill
bob, ron
bob, ron, rick