Converts an FB project or single source file into an Xcode project. Usually the programmer wants to utilize Xcode's debugging tools.
All the necessary source files are copied to a new directory named xxxxxx_XcodeProject (where "xxxxxx" is the project name).
The new Xcode project should open automatically in the Xcode application; it's not instantaneous, so patience is needed.
Build the project or single source file. A clean error-free build is required. Best to do this immediately before the next steps.
Choose the menu item on the Command menu named: Make Xcode Project.
If the project or single source file includes FB's NSLog.incl header, the Xcode project's 'Frameworks' folder will be revealed in the Finder and the following steps are required to link the NSLog framework to the project:
Make the just-generated Xcode project the foreground window; this is usually the position after the Make completes.
Click on the TARGETS button if not already selected (do not select the PROJECT button). Now click on the "General" tab near the top on the left.
From the revealed 'Frameworks' Finder folder, drag NSLog.framework to the Xcode project's table labeled 'Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content'.