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Appendix G - Symbol Table   appendix

Symbol Table:

byte`x`= exprSigned byte variable
byte``x``= exprUnsigned byte variable
word%x% = exprSigned integer
word%`x%` = exprUnsigned integer
long&x& = exprSigned long integer
long&`x&` = exprUnsigned long integer
single!x! = exprSingle precision
double#x# = exprDouble precision
""text"Literal string
$x$ = exprPascal String
$$x$$ = expr2 Gig container
;Dim x;4Obsolete/Unsupported(don't use) Force a specific size for a dimensioned variable
||expr || exprOr
&&expr && exprAnd
^&expr ^& exprNand (Not And)
^|expr ^| exprNor (Not Or)
^^expr ^^ exprXor
!=expr != exprNot equal < >>
__constant = 4Identifies a constant
__"PICT"The text in quotes is taken as a 4 byte restype or OStype
|||expr|Peek (or Peek Byte)
{}{expr}Peek Word
[][expr]Peek Long
|| exprPoke (or Poke Byte)
%% exprPoke Word
~~ exprPoke Long
&&hexExprDeprecated for use as a hexadecimal number. Use the '0x' syntax instead
&H&HhexExprDeprecated for use as a hexadecimal number. Use the '0x' syntax instead
0x0xhexExprHexadecimal number
&O&OexprOctal literal - Deprecated with removal planned at a future time
&X&XexprDeprecated for use as a binary literal. Use the new '0b' syntax instead
'' remarkDeprecated for use as a remark. Use double slash ( // ) instead
//// remarkIndicates the beginning of a remark
/* *//* remark */Marks the beginning and end of a multi-line block remark
##parameterIn some situations, FB 'helps' you by taking the address of a pointer variable ( such as ptr 'p' ) ( i.e. &p is generated in C ) when what you actually need is just the pointer( because it already contains a valid address ). Using the pound (#) symbol ( e.g. #p ) tells the translator to leave it alone and just put 'p' in the translated C, which is what you want.
@[@[@"alpha"]Specifies the construction of a Core Foundation array ( CFArrayRef ). FB's version of Objective-C's literal syntax. After specifying the array's objects, it must be terminated with a closing bracket ]. The "Shorthand Getter" FB examples within Collections/Arrays demonstrate both this construction syntax but also the subscript( "getter") syntax.
@{@{@"Name":@"Bruce}Specifies the construction of a Core Foundation dictionary ( CFDicionaryRef ). FB's version of Objective-C's literal syntax. After specifying the dictionary's objects, it must be terminated with a closing brace }. The "Shorthand Getter" FB examples within Collections/Dictoinary demonstrate both this construction syntax but also the subscript( "getter") syntax.
@@varNameSpecifies that the operation should use the address of a variable rather than the contents of a variable.