<< Index >> |
FutureBasic |
Appendix E - String Expressions | appendix | |
surname$(23) "Friday"
fn PathName$( v, dirID )
". Examples: chr$ (7) hex$ (z)
function, or by the using "##.#" ; x! str# (130,5)
simpleExpr1 + simpleExpr2 [+ simpleExpr3 ...]
"Ex" + "tra" + mid$("fiction",3)
; <
; >
, the result is a numeric expression. See Appendix D - Numeric Expressions, for more information.
Str31 z // z is a 31 byte string
dim z$;32 // z is a 31 byte string
dim z$ as Str31 // z is a 31 byte string
dim z as Str31 // z is a 31 byte string
Str31 z$ // ">$" does not work. The $ overrides Str31
CFStringRef cfstr
cfstr = @"printable ascii" // same as fn CFSTR( "printable ascii" )
cfstr = @"item 1\ritem 2" // embedded return char; same as fn CFSTR( "item 1" + chr$( 13 ) + "item 2" )
cfstr = @"\"" // double-quote char; same as fn CFSTR( """" )
cfstr = @"ƒøµ" // non-ASCII chars; don't do that! Instead use fn CFSTR( "ƒøµ" )