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#plist   statement

#plist key [,] value

The #plist statement can be used to add or modify a key/value pair in the built app's Info.plist. It does not alter an Info.plist file contained in the app's source folder.

key Must be a string literal. Multiple-word keys must be enclosed in quotes.
value This parameter must be one of the following:
string literal
boolean literal
CFNumber literal
CFArray literal
CFDictionary literal
integer or float value

• Integer and float values are converted to strings
• Multiple-word values must be enclosed in quotes


#plist NSAppleEventsUsageDescription YES
#plist CFBundleIconFile @"AppIcon"
#plist CFBundleIdentifier @"com.fbdeveloper.MyGreatApp"
#plist CFBundleShortVersionString 1.23 // value appears in the plist as a String
#plist CFBundleVersion 98765 // value appears in the plist as a String
#plist MyNumber @321 // value appears in the plist as a Number
#plist LSItemContentTypes @[@"public.plain-text"]
#plist MyArray @[@"One",@"Two",@"Three",@"O'Leary"]
#plist MyDictionary @{@"Key1":@"Value1",@"Key2":@"Value2"}
#plist MyString word
#plist @"Another String" @"something else"
// multiple-word keys or values must be enclosed in quotes