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ucc   function

uniChar = ucc( cfstring [, index ] )

The ucc function returns the Unicode Character Code of cfstring at the given character index. If index is not specified, the function returns the first character in cfstring.

cfstring A CFStringRef. The string from which the unicode character is retrieved.
index Optional. The position of the character to be retrieved. Default = 0.

Return value
uniChar is the unicode character (unichar) at the specified index in cfstring, or zero if cfstring is NULL or index is out of bounds.


CFStringRef myString = @"Hello"
unichar firstChar = ucc(myString) // returns 72 (unicode value for 'H')
unichar secondChar = ucc(myString,1) // returns 101 ('e')
unichar outOfBoundsChar = ucc(myString,10) // returns 0
myString = NULL
unichar nullChar = ucc(myString) // returns 0
• Ensure cfstring is properly initialized before calling ucc to avoid unexpected results.
• The index is zero-based, meaning the first character is at position 0.
• This function cannot extract a unichar from a pascal string. Pascal strings encode characters in one byte but unichars may need more than one byte.
• A unichar type represents a single UTF-16 code unit in an NSString. Although some characters may be represented in a single unichar, others, such as Emoji, may span multiple unichars.

See also
ucs; asc