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breakpoint   statement

breakpoint [varName1 [ , varName2 [ , ... ] ] ]

The breakpoint statement is used to pause the execution of a running program at the specific point where the statement is encountered. This allows developers to inspect the current state of the program, including the values of specified variables, and decide how to proceed.

When a breakpoint is reached:
• A modal window is displayed, showing the filename, function name, and line number where the breakpoint was triggered.
• If any variables are listed with the breakpoint statement, their names and current values will be displayed in the modal for inspection.

A comma-separated list of variable names whose values should be displayed in the breakpoint modal. If no variables are specified, only the file, function and line information will be shown.

Deactivate breakpoints. Stops further breakpoint statements from pausing execution for the remainder of the app's runtime.
Continue program execution. Resumes normal execution until another breakpoint is encountered.
Step over. Skips the current breakpoint line, and resumes program execution. If the breakpoint is within a loop, the statement is ignored for remaining iterations of the loop.



breakpoint counter, total