Overview & Introduction

Property Maintenance Plus ( PMP ) collects, tracks and reports property maintenance, its costs and when subsequent maintenance tasks are due.

Appropriate for single-family homes, townhomes, duplexes and helpful for property managers tracking multiple properties and multiple owners.

An an example of maintenance is: Your property furnace needs service by a heating and cooling contractor.

PMP maintains component databases that are used to assemble a maintenance transaction. For example,  a provider database ( like a contractor ), a task data base ( like furnace service, roof repair,  )  property database ( could be your house, another house you own but rent to another person etc. ) and an owner list. All the component databases are reusable which eliminates repetitive data entry.

Maintenance and  component database data is saved and used to document and plan maintenance. It identifies overdue maintenance, provides on-screen reports, printed reports and reminders.

Popup menu ( except those for creating maintenance data ) progressive data filtering drills down to specific data needed. "Data Filtering" on the "Add/View/Delete Maintenance" tab provides a detailed description.

Property Maintenance Plus imports Property Maintenance Tracker data. Please review the "Import PMT Data" instructions carefully before using the import.

Maintenance Data is comprised of reusable components:
Main Window  - Consists of four(4) tabs; each of them provides related but distinct functionality
  1. The Add/View/Delete Maintenance pane provides four basic functions:
    1. Adding new maintenance via the block of data entry fields labeled "Add/View/Delete Maintenance"
    2. Delete  maintenance from the list on the bottom of the screen  by first double-clicking a list item to activate the delete button and populate the data on the top area.
    3. Changing a maintenance list items starts with the same double click on a list item as deleting. Then make the changes to the data and press the Change button.
    4. Pressing a filter button limits the maintenance list  to the subset specified on the Filter panel.

  2. Maintenance Due Pane   
    1. Displays the dates when the next maintenance is due for specific owners, tasks and properties.
    2. Filter using the owner/property/task pop-up menus followed by pressing the "Show" button.
    3. In addition to filtering,  different task views are available via the three radio buttons
    4. This pane is effectively inoperative if maintenance data has not been entered via tab one.

  3. Costs
    1. Shows the Total Cost, Average Monthly Cost, Total Distance and Average Monthly Distance for a selected Owner, property, task and date range
    2. This pane requires the data entered via tab 1. If maintenance has not been entered on tab 1, the popups will be empty.

  4. Reporting
    1. Report formats available are:
    2. Reports of just the component databases ( owner, property, provider and task ) are available.
    3. This pane is effectively inoperative if maintenance data has not been entered via tab one
PMP Menu Help Menu

Date Display  - PMP uses the System Preference "short" date ( see International prefs, format tab ) to display dates. It expects a 10 character format ( or 8 if leading zeros are suppressed )  such as that shown below. The format shown is mm/dd/yyyy but any 10 character format is fine ( i.e. dd/mm/yyyy as in Europe or yyyy/mm/dd )