This pane allows the user to create reports from the data. There are
three report formats available.
The Mechanics:
- Use the popups to choose an owner, property, task and
date range
- Press the Print button and the report is shown in a print
preview. Besides viewing the report on the Mac screen, there is
a Print button on the window to allow output to a printer.
The Reports:
- Property report: data is sorted as follows:
- Owner Name: alphabetically ascending
- Property: alphabetically ascending
- Task : alphabetically ascending within Property
- Service date: from new to old within Task
- Service date report: data is sorted as follows:
- Owner Name: alphabetically ascending
- Service date: from new to old
- Property : alphabetically ascending within service date
- Task: alphabetically ascending within Property
- Provider report: data is sorted as follows:
- Owner Name: alphabetically ascending
- Provider: alphabetically ascending
- Property : alphabetically within provider
- Service date: from new to old
- Owner Report
- Task Report